Aromas Water's NewsSplash! First Quarter 2024
January to March 2024
In the first three months of the year, water district staff has been busy with a range of tasks and projects. In January, we focused on addressing operational issues related to well pressure transducers, as well as working on the Lead and Copper Public Information Program. General Manager Johnson worked with a financial consultant to initiate the development of a Rate Study report.
Also, staff completed the electronic annual report required by the State, and continued the work on the Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory requirements. We also began the process of identifying tank repair consultants based on the findings from the previous year's tank cleaning and review effort.
Lastly, in March, staff focused on expanding the Lead and Copper water sampling effort, as is required by the State. They also continued their work on the Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory requirements. Throughout the three months, GM Johnson has worked closely with the Rate Study consultant.
Overall, your water district team has been actively engaged in a variety of tasks, including LAFCo applications, addressing operational challenges, conducting lead and copper sampling, identifying tank repairs, and working together with consultants on various tasks. Staff’s efforts demonstrate a commitment to ensuring the efficient and effective management and distribution of high quality water from the Aromas Water District.