Assessment Districts
Assessment District No. 2013-1
Aromas Water District (the “District”) formed Assessment District No. 2013-1 (the “Assessment District”) in 2013. The District supplies potable water to several noncontiguous areas within the village of Aromas and the San Benito County area. The services provided also include maintenance to pipelines, valves, fire hydrants, water service connections, and booster pump stations. In 2011, the existing developed areas of Oak Ridge and Via Del Sol were annexed into the District and now receive potable water services.
The District accepted a loan offer from the United States Department of Agriculture (the “USDA”) in 2013 and the USDA is the current loan holder.
Click below for the Annual Report for Assessment District 2013-1 for each Fiscal Year, prepared by NBS.
Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2022-23Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2021-22Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2020-21Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2019-20Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2018-19Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2017-18Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2016-17Assessment District 2013-1 Annual Report FY 2015-16